Private Christian Academy
SINCE 2004
Tuition Policy
Tuition is due on or before the first of each month. A letter of reminder is sent to all families with outstanding fees due. An additional four (4) days are allowed for payments to be received.
If tuition is not paid by the close of business on the 5th of each month, a late fee will be assessed.
If payment is not made in response to the letter of reminder, the school office will initiate contact with the family to make payment arrangements.
Late Fees
If tuition is not paid by the fifth (5th) of each month a $40.00 late fee is assessed. Two (2) dollars for each additional day will be assessed thereafter(unless payment arrangement has been made with the office).
All other fees (activity, before and aftercare, lunch, and etc.) that are not paid by the fifth (5th) of each month a $5.00 late fee will be assessed.
If any school fees (tuition, late, activity, lunch, before/aftercare, and etc.) are not paid by the fifth (5th) special payment arrangements can be made with the school office.
If tuition is more then thirty (30) days past due, with no special arrangements made or when special arraignments are disregarded then the following sanctions can be implemented:
Report cards will not be distributed to the parents or students.
Student will not be allowed to participate in the annual standardized testing programming in March.
Student will not be allowed to participate in graduation (affects parents and students in grades kindergarten and 8th) and diploma will be withheld.
End of the year report cards and test results will not be distributed to parents or students that are delinquent.
If any family is more than two (2) months or sixty (60) days delinquent in payment of fees (tuition, activity, lunch, before/aftercare, and etc.) with either no special arrangements made or disregard of special arrangements made then your child (ren) can be excluded from school until all financial obligations are paid in full.
Payment Options
All fees can ONLY be paid by money orders, debit/credit cards, or cash. NO CHECKS ACCEPTED.